Homemade English Muffins

Once you have a homemade English muffins you will never want to have a store bought one again. Luckily, English muffins are super easy to make, so this should not present too much of a problem. I have seen many recipes out there for English muffins. You can find his recipe here, along with a great picture tutorial.

This is the only experience I have had making English muffins, and they came out great. However, I am interested in trying some other recipes as well. My only complaint with this recipe is that the muffin lacked the traditional “nooks and crannies” that English muffins are so famous for. Despite that, they tasted authentic and were great with our poached eggs as well as with some fresh peanut butter and currant jelly. I froze most of these individually wrapped. They froze nicely and I am still snacking on them.

Some process photos and notes after the jump.

This dough was actually a bit hard to work with at first. I think I may have needed more water than the recipe called for. It also worth noting that I used half bread flour and half all purpose flour.

This recipe also calls for a good 7 minutes of hand kneading, which hubby greatly assisted me with. Besides his manly strength, he is also much more well versed in bread making than I. It is much easier to make bread when you have someone around who knows what they are doing.

This dough did rise very nicely.

And it was also a cinch to roll out.

Here they are frying up in my pan. I lightly burned a few of them. :-/ I also think in this step you can totally omit the cornmeal. All it did for me was burn and make a mess.

This is a terrible picture, but the only one that I had of the insides. As you can see there are some air pockets, but it was not nooky and cranny-e enough for me.